The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the sliding hinge that connects a person's skull and jawbone.1 TMJ disorders cause pain in the joint and in the surrounding muscles that control jaw movement. The exact cause of a person's TMJ disorder is often difficult to determine, as pain in this area can be the result of genetics, arthritis or a previous injury. Habitual clenching and grinding of the teeth may also bring on TMJ symptoms.
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The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the sliding hinge that connects a person's skull and jawbone.1 TMJ disorders cause pain in the joint and in the surrounding muscles that control jaw movement. The exact cause of a person's TMJ disorder is often difficult to determine, as pain in this area can be the result of genetics, arthritis or a previous injury. Habitual clenching and grinding of the teeth may also bring on TMJ symptoms.
Over the past few years, the TikTok star effect has popularized a long list of cosmetic trends. Today, the long-standing masseter Botox procedure is garnering attention from millions and has become a top TikTok aesthetic trend. Some explore the procedure to find relief from TMJ symptoms, while others hope to achieve a slimmer and more contoured jawline.
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The Masseter Botox Procedure
The masseter Botox procedure involves injecting Botox into the muscle that runs between the back of the jaw and ear. This masseter muscle is a large, thick muscle responsible for controlling the jaw that enables us to open and close our mouths and chew our food.
The masseter Botox procedure is based on the same principle as every other Botox treatment, which is temporarily relaxing the muscles by blocking nerve signals that cause them to contract. As the masseter muscles relax and go without exercise for a prolonged period, they reduce in size and bulk. Certain patients find immense benefits from relaxing the masseter muscle, including improvement of their TMJ symptoms like headaches, jaw pain, tension, clenching and grinding.
Repetitive behaviors such as clenching the jaw, grinding the teeth, or even chewing gum can lead to enlarged masseter muscles, a condition called masseter muscle hypertrophy. In addition to the symptoms already mentioned, these enlarged muscles make some people's lower face and jawline appear wider. When Botox injections cause muscles to shrink, many patients are pleasantly surprised by their new and slimmer jawline.
Despite the procedure's name, Botox is sometimes injected into the temporalis muscles, which are also responsible for chewing, grinding and clenching. When we reduce the size and prominence of the masseter muscles, the temporalis muscles, or both, our patients achieve a softer facial profile.
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Preparing for the Procedure
The first step to prepare for masseter Botox is thorough research. Patients should look at before-and-after photos of people who have undergone masseter Botox and take time to read reviews so they know what to expect prior to undergoing the procedure.
If patients decide to go ahead with masseter Botox, there are several important things to note, including avoiding alcoholic drinks the day before the procedure and coming to their appointment makeup free. Additionally, anyone taking blood thinner medications should contact their primary care doctor prior to this procedure.
During the Botox Procedure
Before the procedure, we carefully examine the patient's jaw and face to determine where to inject Botox and how much is needed. We then thoroughly clean the skin to prevent infection and employ topical anesthesia to numb the surrounding area.
Once everything is ready, we prepare a syringe of Botox and insert the thin needle into the masseter muscle. Depending on the results desired, we repeat the procedure several times on each side of the face. In total, the process only takes around 15 minutes.
This treatment's most common side effects are the same as any Botox procedure. These may include mild bruising, pain, redness or swelling at the injection site.
Due to the injection's location, this procedure can come with specific side effects. A 2017 study found that 30% of patients experience a more challenging time chewing after the procedure.2 If Botox injections are placed too far forward, patients can experience asymmetrical smiles and facial expressions. Finally, if Botox is accidentally injected into the salivary glands, patients can experience dry mouth for a couple of weeks.
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Masseter Botox Treatment Upkeep
After the masseter Botox procedure, patients can return to their normal daily activities. The treatment does not require a recovery period.
For best results, patients should remain in an upright position for at least four hours. They should also be careful to avoid drinking alcohol, being out in the sun, exercising and taking blood thinners for 24 hours. For the next three days following the procedure, they will want to avoid rubbing or putting pressure on the treated area, as these activities can spread the toxin to other areas of the face.
Patients can expect to see full results in around one week to two weeks. However, some patients report having to wait up to two weeks after the procedure to feel their jaw relax.
Patients receiving the treatment for cosmetic purposes alone will need to undergo multiple sessions over several months before their muscles weaken enough to deliver the slimming effect. The effects tend to last between four and six months.
If patients enjoy the procedure’s results and wish to maintain them, they will need to repeat the procedure. We recommend that our patients return for a re-assessment of masseter Botox every four-to-five months to ensure optimal results.
Given the benefits this procedure can provide, it’s no wonder why masseter Botox has become so popular among many TikTok stars. Masseter Botox not only provides a confidence boost by slimming your jawline, but also receives an abundance of positive feedback for its ability to relieve teeth-grinding pain.
- https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/tmj/symptoms-causes/syc-20350941
- https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jocd.12473
Justin Boutilier carries over 19 years of experience growing aesthetic practices, and is the current Owner of LightTouch Med Spa Orlando location. Through utilizing his knowledge of marketing, management, and operations, he has been quickly able to help the brand grow to one of the top-performing injectable med spas in the Orlando area within 3 years. LightTouch Med Spa features 14 treatment rooms with over 14 full-time staff just within the first 4 months of operations and rapidly growing. Using in-depth data-driven analytics and vast expertise in opening and growing locations, he is helping drive LightTouch forward into 2023.