Servicing With Retention Intention


Gone are the days when clients were simply satisfied with good service. The expectation nowadays is for customer service excellence, as well as for truly customized and memorable experiences that leave guests yearning for more and eager to revisit. Did you know that 92% of consumers now read online reviews before making purchases? They also search your website, Yelp and social channels. What impression is your business making, what stories are you telling and what can you do to service with retention intention?

Here are five crucial tips to inspire connection, engagement and, most of all, retention!

Tip #1. Form Special Groups.

Most of us tend to seek the advice of other business owners, family members and friends on how to increase retention. This may be a good practice if we are seeking it from successful and highly experienced people. There’s actually an easier and wiser source for truly significant insights; one that is often overlooked—our own clients. 

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Check out these five tips to get your clients coming back every time in our digital magazine



Si Author R Maritza 300

Maritza Rodriguez is the global vice president of marketing and communic­ations for Pevonia International and its related brands. She has worked with some of the most renowned professional skin care brands on image and marketing.

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