Airbrush makeup has grown in recent years, providing a method to hygienically and flawlessly create a beautiful canvas. Many spas have added this service to their offerings, but some may still be on the fence.
I recently attended an advanced class on airbrush makeup at South Hills Beauty Academy in Pittsburgh, USA, under the instruction of MacKenzie Miller, supervisor for the school's educational program. The following are five reasons that airbrush makeup may benefit your spa, as highlighted by Miller in her class.
1. Cost Per Application
If you offer conventional makeup in your spa, airbrush makeup may offer a way for you to add more money to your bottom line. According to Miller, airbrush makeup can bring in $60 or more per application, whereas regular makeup can bring in $40 or more per application. “There is a lot of money to be make in airbrush makeup,” noted Miller.
2. Product, Equipment Cost
Those interested in airbrush makeup may shy away for fear that the cost of equipment or product is just too high. Miller emphasized that this is not the case, as airbrush makeup can actually save you money in terms of product cost. Although the compressor and gun system ranges from $100-200, these systems often come with a starter pack of makeup. Additional guns can be $20-30, and individual bottles of airbrush makeup typically range from $10-20, with some as high as $40. While this may seem steep, a starter set can pay for itself in 4-5 applications. The beauty of airbrush makeup, according to Miller, is that you only need a few drops per person to cover the entire face, so each bottle of airbrush makeup goes a long way. In addition, Miller pointed out that professionals buy conventional makeup and mix in a ratio of one part glycerin, two parts water and one part finishing spray to make airbrush makeup.
3. Time Savings
Once you have gained experience in airbrush makeup application, the savings in application time start adding up, according to Miller. Conventional makeup takes about 40 min.-1 hour to apply, whereas airbrush makeup takes about 20-30 min. to apply. Therefore, you can fit two makeup applications in the time it takes for one conventional makeup application.
4. Hygiene
Bacteria transmission can be a pesky issue in conventional makeup application. Brushes, sponges, wands and other makeup applicators have to be regularly cleaned and disinfected, as they can harbor and transmit dead skin cells and bacteria from one application to another. In addition, fingers are used to apply some types of makeup, and improperly washed hands can spread bacteria from on application to another.
Airbrush makeup does not come in contact with the face and therefore does not spread dirt, bacteria or dead skin cells in new applications. It needs only to be rinsed out between colors and washed out with soapy water between applications.
5. Duration
One of the key benefits with airbrush makeup is its durability. When properly applied, airbrush makeup can last all day. It is often used for special occasions such as weddings, not only because it is flawless in application but it also lasts all day.
Want to Learn More?
If you want to dabble in airbrush makeup, Miller suggests attending your local school rather than investing in a manufacture’s certification. A school offers an introduction to the practice, often providing its attendees with a starter kit. This can allow those interested to learn more about it and get practice to ensure that they are interested before investing in an expensive and time-consuming manufacture certification.