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Sun Care
Sun Care
Sun Care
Americans Don't Get Sun Care Serious Until 26
The poll surveyed 2,000 adults in the United States to find out that 26 is when the average American buckles down on sun care. But that wasn't all they found.
'Sunburning' to Heal Acne is the Latest Terrifying TikTok Trend
6 Damaging Summer Skin Mistakes
7 Hydrating Protocols that Quench Summer Skin
We have gathered seven brands that shared their thirst-quenching protocols for us to feature in our digital magazine.
How to Choose the Right Wax for Our Client
When it comes to providing top-notch waxing services, selecting the right type of wax is important. In order to cater to diverse client needs and preferences, LYCON Wax offers a comprehensive range of waxes that combine comfort with superior results.
Are Your Client's Using Sun Care?
Sun care is so important, and more consumers are showing their dedication to using proper sun care. Do your clients use their sun care?
The Link Between Sun Damage and Hyperpigmentation
Discover how to deliver consistent care to your clients with hyperpigmentation.
6 Spa Treatments That Repair Summer Sun Damage
From advanced hydration therapies to anti-aging treatments, these six spa treatments combat sun damage and help your clients recover from the dog days of summer.
Sun Care
How Tanning Culture Has Evolved
Consumers' opinions on tanning has evolved greatly over the years; see what the latest opinions are.
7 Protocols That Heal Damaged Summer Skin
We have gathered seven brands that shared their summer protocols for us to feature in our digital magazine.
7 Tips For Anti-Aging Neck Care
While we may be guilty of not paying enough attention to the delicate skin around our neck and chest, it’s never too late to teach clients about the importance of caring for the skin in this area and start giving this area the care it deserves.
Survey Reveals Gen Z is Unfamiliar with Sunburn & Tanning Risks
The survey found that 71% of Gen Z adults are unfamiliar with the risks associated with sunburn, with 40% being unaware of tanning risks and 59% believing tanning myths, such as tanning is healthy, and a base tan will prevent sunburn.
Sun Care
The Importance of Retailing Inclusive Sun Care
SPF can be tricky for dark skin; reassure your clients with inclusive sunscreen options.
SPF Active Ingredients Market Expected to Hit $816.3 Million in 2023
As consumers become more educated about the risks associated with exposure to UV radiation, they are more likely to seek out sun care products that offer effective protection against the sun's rays.