In August 2016, The International Spa Association (ISPA) published its latest consumer snapshot on the soon-to-be largest demographic of spa-goers—millennials. In it, over half (56%) of millennials surveyed noted that they have visited a spa in the last 12 months.The consumer shapshot (Volume VII), which was produced by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), is a robust resource for understanding this generation, but we have condensed it into the eight main takeaways as listed below.
1. They Book Over the Phone.
We may assume that this tech-savvy generation would book a spa appointment online, but that is not the case with millennials. Most book over the phone, followed by online and in person.
2. Watch Out Southwest.
Where are all these millennial spa-goers? Well, apparently, many of them are in the Southwest United States. Of those surveyed in that region, 62% have visited a spa in the last 12 months.
3. Male/Female Are About Equal.
We keep hearing that male clientele are on the rise, and that is certainly true with millennials. Almost half (46%) of millennial spa clientele are men. Millennial male clientele are more likely to frequent resort spas of spas in a fitness facility, whereas female millennial spa clientele are more likely to visit a spa/salon.
4. Employed and Educated
Over half (64%) of millennial spa clientele is employed full-time. And, almost that same amount (63%) have university degrees.
5. They're Stressed Out.
Consistent with most of the spa-going population, millennials visit the spa primarily to relieve or reduce stress (32%). The second reason they visit the spa differs between female and male clientele. Men visit the spa to recover from injury, whereas female millennials visit the spa to treat themselves. The third reason also differs based on gender; males visit to treat themselves, whereas female clientele are looking to better their appearance.
Further speaking to stress, the majority of millennials are moderately stressed (35%), or slightly stressed (34%), followed by highly stressed (14%). When asked about mindfullness, most millennials know what it is or have heard of it but don't practice it.
6. They Aren't Monthly (Yet).
Of those who visit spas, most (83%) visit a spa less than five times a year. The reason for both female and male millennials spa-goers is price and lack of time.
For those who do not visit spas, the number one reason is that they are too expensive, followed by lack of time. The third reason differs by gender, with the spa environment being foreign the third reason for male millennials and no spa in their area the reason for female millennials.
7. Drinks and Free Wi-fi
To enhance a millennial spa-goer's experience, there are a few amenities that stand out. Millennials appreciate refreshments, followed by free wi-fi.
8. Personalization
To enhance a millennial's spa experience, personalization is the way to go. Nearly half (49%) of millennial spa go-ers have experienced a customized treatment.