Sometimes it takes two people to fill the shoes of one. Clarebend, Inc., a manufacturer of electrology, microcurrent and LED equipment and products, recently experienced this when their educator and representative, Jan Lamb, retired in November 2016 after 22 years of service.
With Lamb's retirement, the company plans to strengthen their relationship with Randa Thurman and MedSpa Distributors, Inc. in an effort to best address their skin care and electrology departments.
Divided Representation
The representation for electrology and skin care will be divided among Randa Thruman and MedSpa Distributors, Inc.
Thurman will provide education, support and sales related to electrology. A licensed and certified professional electrologist, she has been affiliated with Clareblend since 1991. In addition to her involvement with the company, she has maintained the Monterey Bay Institute of Electrology in Monterey, California, where she helps presents theories on electrolysis and teaches advanced classes on electrolysis.
MedSpa Distributors, Inc. will cover the skin care side of the company. They've worked with Clarebend for 15 years.