An event is the perfect way to build revenue and add new clients in a medical esthetic practice. It is important to note that the events being discussed in this column are different than an open house, in which owners are generally inviting clients who are already in the spa’s database and are frequent visitors.
Events should be utilized to add new clients who are not aware with the medical spa or familiar with the treatments offered. An event can also be a call-to-action for clients who have not been to the skin care facility recently to return, as well.
Winning over fickle clients
In an esthetic practice, clients who only seek out Botox injections can be a medical spa’s loss leader, eliminating the need for paid advertising. The Botox client is a medical spa’s least faithful client—many will visit a skin care facility all the way across town just to save a dollar. When hosting an event, spa owners can bring in new—as well as previously existing clients—with low-cost facial injectable treatments. Money does not have to be lost, but the price should be the best in town.
Call-to-action. A call-to-action is an invaluable push to encourage people to attend the event. A call-to-action can be a message, such as: “For a limited time, attend ABC Medical Spa to receive Botox injections for $8 per unit on Thursday from 6–8 pm.” The special pricing and offers that are only available at the event is a specific reason to attend and learn about the medical spa practice.
However, the deal also should come with a requirement that everyone attending for low-cost Botox injections must have a consultation for other services, such as dermal fillers or the spa’s single most profitable service requiring no pre- or post-care.
Team up with neighbors
Partner with neighboring businesses in your community to create an opportunity for success for all involved.
Consider potential event partners critically. A business that has an e-mail list and a client base with a similar level of disposable income to the medical spa is an excellent starting point. A client with disposable income is important, because medical esthetics is elective, and select businesses, such as high-end clothing shops, jewelers, fine wine stores, high-end car dealerships, pricey gift shops and so on have a similar type of desired clientele and would make great collaborators. Potential partners are limited only by the imagination.
Collaborate with suppliers
Create an event with a vendor featuring an invitation that includes both business’s information and the call-to-action. The vendor should attend the event, and have a small table for business cards and brochures, while using opportunity to sell their products or accessories.
Value in the details
Although an event should be entertaining for clients and provide an opportunity for clients and medical spa team members to become familiar with each other, it should also be a profitable endeavor for the skin care facility.
Be careful to avoid turning the event into a timeshare presentation. The event should be a combination of the physician administering minor treatments, and the entire medical spa team providing consultations and helpful answers to clients’ questions. It should be a memorable, enjoyable evening for the events’ attendees.
Create a relaxing environment for all—provide light refreshments that do not require silverware, plates, and heat or ice to maintain—napkins should be the only accessories for food to avoid stress for clients juggling too many tasks at once.
Most of all, take action to ensure the medical spa’s event is a productive use of time and resources for all involved.
John Treadwell, author of The Aesthetic Market, More Than Meets The Eye (Perfected Pen Publishing, 2012), founder of Clinical Advantage Skincare and owner of Fabulous Face Presents, is a nationally known esthetics practice consultant. He can be contacted at 772-453-4137 or [email protected].