By now we are all aware of the importance of our online reputation. Here are #10things you can do to create and maintain a positive online presence.
- Search your business name online through multiple search engines. Ideally, you will show up on the first page for Google and Yahoo. If you haven’t already, claim yourself as the owner of your business.
- Set up a Google alert for your spa.
- Review your contact information online. Hours of operations, services offered, address, email, etc. Make sure this info is up-to-date and accurate.
- Beware of scams claiming to improve your online presence. Confirm with any paid service what’s included and ensure they don’t charge continued fees to keep negative press offline.
- Train your service desk team on how to respond to unhappy customers. Create an environment where the guest feels comfortable sharing why they are upset with the service. Allowing a guest to leave upset may lead to a one-star review.
- Read your reviews regularly. When a client is happy and gives you a five-star review, say thank you! If you receive a negative review, follow up with the client. Let them know you want them to have an amazing experience. Tip: Most online review sites allow the business to respond publicly and privately to your reviews.
- Ask for reviews. When your client says, “That was the best facial I have ever received!” Follow up with, “Thank you. It was a pleasure to work with you. Do you ever write online reviews? Would you be willing to review my spa online?”
- Build consistency through platforms. Your mission statement, business name, logo, color scheme and font should be the same on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. Each social media outlet is different; however, you want your brand to be preserved with each online channel.
- Pay an expert. You can hire reputation management consultants or purchase software to monitor your online status. The size and needs of your company will determine the cost. Experts suggest hiring a company in the beginning to set the stage for a positive online presence. If necessary, these firms are also experts in “online makeovers.”
- Keep your personal pages separate from your business listings. Over-sharing personal information and grievances is unprofessional and may affect the client-business relationship.
We’ve all been taught to make a great impression when we meet someone for the first time. In the digital age, our first impression is usually online. Make certain your future customers like what they see.