What is your best advice for esthy self care? This question always makes me laugh and cry at the same time.
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What is your best advice for esthy self care? This question always makes me laugh and cry at the same time.
I originally became an esthetician because I had challenges with my own skin and loved going to the spa for treatments. I thought, “this is what I should do as a career, I can improve my skin and get services ALL THE TIME!” Once you are in this industry you realize how hard it is to get a treatment or find time for wellness. Here are my tips to assist you in keeping well.
1. Create rituals.
I have a 6:15 workout with a friend every Wednesday. It’s good for me. Even on the days I don’t want to show up, I DO because there is accountability.
2. Use technology.
Have your phone or watch set to a time every day where you breath or stretch or stand up. My wife had an alarm set on her phone for “PLANK-O-CLOCK.” At noon, her alarm went off and she did a plank for 60 seconds. Just a quick break to breath and get balanced.
3. Essential oils.
Oils can be used to wake you up, calm you down, on the plane, in your car at the office. Find aromas that create the energy or balance you need.
4. Phone a friend.
Cheryl Snodgrass, the owner of CODE SALON in San Francisco, tells me she has “phone dates” to connect with the important people in her life. Sharing this connection, even if over the phone, makes her happy and feel fulfilled, especially when other aspects of life are frustrating.
5. Move your body.
You must do something every day for 20 mins. Walk, swim, yoga, stretch, take the stairs, ride a bike… something. The human body is supposed to move. Giving fresh oxygen to your brain assists in physical and mental wellness.
6. Trade.
Find an industry body and exchange services. We all can do our own brows and facials, but having a real treatment reminds us why we did this career in the first place.