Diamond Way Ayurveda in cooperation with the Warrior Water Center Project, a project conceived and directed by Brig. General James Cook of the U.S. Army Reserves, is pleased to announce a community-based initiative to help the soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, and their families.
It is a fact that soldiers, warriors committed to defend what is cherished in daily life and the world, are a real and necessary part of society. And the stress, wear and tear on the men and women returning from Iraq and Afghanistan--as well as the stress and strain on their spouses, partners and children--is immense. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and the more visible wounds of warfare changes these men and women forever. No one goes back to the way things were. Somehow, what is needed is to integrate these new life experiences in a healthy and meaningful way so that they can emerge as productive, happy and engaged citizens in everyday life. What especially gets in the way of this successful transition is PTSD.
What has been learned by health care providers, including those in the Veterans Administration is that, especially for treating PTSD, three of the most effective therapies to help these men and women are massage, yoga and meditation. And, as such approaches require time and a change of lifestyle, community-based follow-up services are vital and essential to make a difference. This is especially true for U.S. Army reservists, who do not come home as units per se, but are sent back to their home communities, where they have often found their work and family life radically changed with few or no Veterans Affairs services available.
It is because of the importance of our local communities that Robert and Melanie Sachs of Diamond Way Ayurveda are turning to each of you.
The simple fact is that if you own a spa, more than likely you offer massage. You may even offer yoga and meditation to your clients. Alternatively, if you are a yoga studio, you may offer classes and also have meditation and massage services on-site. Then again, you may be just an individual massage therapist, yoga or meditation instructor. Regardless, each of you possesses or offers those very skills and services so vital to the reintegration and well-being of these warriors and their families.
So, here is what Diamond Way Ayurveda and the Warrior Water Center Project are proposing. With the services that you offer, would you be willing to offer limited services or memberships to returning vets and their families?
If you own a spa, would you be willing to offer a two-week pass or package that would allow these men and women to come to your facility and receive your nurturing treatments, classes and amenities?
If you run a yoga studio, would you be willing to offer a one-month membership? If you have massage on site, would you be willing to offer a two-week pass for this service, as well?
If you are a meditation teacher, yoga instructor or massage therapist, could you come up with your own package of services for a period of time?
And, as a pay-it-forward idea in the spirit of knowing the sacrifice these men, women and their families have made on our behalf, would you be willing to do any or all of these things for free?
That is what we are looking for.
To make this project effective and get the word out on your participation, we shall do various e-mail and web campaigns at no charge.
First of all, on both the Warrior Water Center and the Diamond Way Ayurveda website, you and/or your business will be listed as a participant in the Welcoming Warriors Home Project. This will include your name, address, contact information, and the services that you offer. In each state of the United States, there will be category listings for spas, yoga studios and individual practitioners in the categories of massage, yoga and meditation.
We shall then contact all military outlets (the VA, Pentagon, VFWs, etc.) to let them know that these directories are available so that these men and women can find them and what you offer.
This initiative is the first in a series of initiatives that we hope will heal the wounds of war and bring greater peace and purpose to all who have served. Just follow the links and/or contact numbers provided to send us your information. Your listing will be posted within 10 days of its receipt.
805-543-9291, 866-303-3321