In a blog post titled Beauty Lessons from Cleopatra, Kline & Company industry manager for consumer products Nancy Mills discusses how natural makeup options are beginning to catch up to natural skin care products in the beauty marketplace. Mills writes that while “Kline & Company has seen the highest growth in natural skin care … now natural makeup is coming into the spotlight. Previous challenges with pigment load and ease of application are falling away in place of new (and old) discoveries.”
Picking up on techniques used in day (very) past, Mills notes that, “Modern women may be borrowing a trick or two from Cleopatra’s dressing table as minerals such as lapis lazuli furnish high-impact colors for eye makeup. Furthermore, flowers, vegetable, and fruits are the basis for makeup product pigments and more. One company is even using an ingredient derived from a radish as a preservative.”
Mills also writes that Kline’s Natural Personal Care: Global Market Analysis and Opportunities report has been reworked, “and will be capturing the 2013 performance of the market and competitive landscape on a global level, as well as 10 key global brand profiles. There is also a companion report that takes a deep dive into the Chinese market.” Additionally, Kline’s Inside the Minds of Consumers of Natural Products seeks out consumer insights for more eco-friendly shoppers, answering questions such as, “What will prompt occasional natural buyers to be more frequent consumers of natural products?”