This luxurious, smoothing body exfoliation treatment gently polishes away dead skin cells and nourishes, leaving the skin conditioned, smooth, and more touchable with a fresh, healthy glow.
Treatment duration: 60 minutes
Treatment cost: $130
Vichy shower with hose
Two bowls for body polish and massage oil
Body brush
Body polish with fine kiwi seeds
Massage oil with pineapple enzymes combined with lactic acid
Key lime massage oil
Room setup:
Place a flat sheet across the treatment table and have bath towels nearby.
Step 1: Place body polish and massage oil in separate bowls.
Step 2: Greet the client and describe the treatment in detail. Discuss the client’s health history and remind her of the contraindications for this treatment, including alcohol consumption, skin rashes, fever, fractures, epilepsy, skin infections, sunburn, heart conditions, high blood pressure, allergies, hypersensitivity, and the client shouldn’t have the service if she is in her first trimester of pregnancy.
Step 3: Guide client to treatment room and ask her to remove her robe and lie in the prone position on the treatment table; leave the room momentarily to allow for the client’s privacy.
Step 4: Start the service by dry brushing the client to begin the exfoliation process and stimulate the lymph system. Dry brush starting with the back of the legs at the feet and move toward the heart.
Step 5: Apply the revitalizing kiwi body polish in the same direction as the dry brushing. Use a light but vigorous touch with motions always toward the heart. Attention should be paid to exfoliating the client; the experience should feel like massaging away dead skin.
Step 6: Ask the client to turn over and repeat Step 5, again beginning with the legs at the feet and moving toward the heart.
Step 7: Once finished, shower off the product using a Vichy shower. If you don’t have a Vichy, wet washcloths can be used to remove the product.
Step 8: Provide a towel for client to use to dry off; and leave the room momentarily for the client’s privacy. Ask her to lie prone on the treatment table after dry.
Step 9: Complete the luxurious treatment with a 20-minute massage using key lime massage oil rich in vitamin E.