Beauty Consumers Turn to Acne Treatments, Botox, CryoSkin & More

Acne is the #1 facial concern among Gen z.
Acne is the #1 facial concern among Gen z.

In their quarterly survey, Artemis Distribution found that 43% of Gen Z respondents indicated that their biggest concern, in terms of their face, is acne. The survey highlighted details about acne, non-invasive treatments and social media within the beauty industry. 

The survey included 27 questions and was deliverd via Surveymonkey to Artemis Distributions' audience panel. There was a total of 1,143 respondents.

Key Survey Highlights

  • Acne is the No. 1 facial concern for Gen Z (42.6%). This is followed by blackheads (12.9%), scarring (12.3%), texture (10.3%), hyperpigmentation (7.7%), fine lines (5.8%) and wrinkles (4.5%). 
  • Excess body fat is the main body concern for Gen X (48.6%). This was followed by muscle tone (19.8%), skin tightening (14.4%) and cellulite (9.2%). 
  • People are 33% more likely to consider a non-invasive procedure in the next 12 months than an invasive one. 
  • Only 29.8% of Gen Z who received non-invasive treatments said they would not recommend them to others versus the 51.1% of Gen Z who said they would recommend them. 
  • 63% of beauty consumers use social media to research beauty trends. Of this percentage, 90% of those consumers were Gen Z.
  • Aided awareness in treatments was significantly higher in Botox (80.2%), Coolsculpting (52.8%), HydraFacial (30.3%) and Cryoskin (18.1%). They were significantly lower in Evolve (9.8%), EmSculpt (9.8%) and Endospheres (7.8%). 
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