"You have to feel good in order to make others feel good."
This sentiment was the theme of Angela Rozzi-Burns' session "Self Care for the Caring Professional," during Face & Body Midwest.
Rozzi-Burns compared spa professionals to healers and successful healing can never be attained unless the esthetician, massage therapist, etc., first heal themselves.
Spa professionals pride themselves in providing care, comfort, compassion, empathy, ears, hands and uplifting words and actions—among countless other things. However, if they're not mindful of their personal wants and needs, many can experience hitting a wall—exhaustion, loss of joy and burnout.
Self Care Tips for Spa Professionals
- Conduct an emotional check-in: "How am I feeling and why?" Make you a priority.
- Self care habits: Healthy eating habits, sleep/nightly rituals, exercise, enjoyable hobbies, Epsom salt baths and getting a facial/massage.
- Self care through meditation: Benefits include reducing stress, blood pressure, anxiety, depression, pain and hearing your heart's desire.
Moral of the story: Don't be afraid to say "no" and take some "me time" between clients and on your days off.