As professionals serving the public, we know the importance of looking to consumer trends as a means to help predict—and guide us down—the path that lies ahead.
According to trendwatching.com, a firm that scans the globe for emerging consumer trends, the United States is still going to experience some aftermath from the past year; however, more recession-proof opportunities are being spotted than ever before. The following are predicted to become consumer trends in 2010 by trendwatching.com; think about how these can apply to the professional spa market and, more specifically, to your market.
- Business as Unusual—The new way of doing business.
- Urbany—Extreme urbanization in 2010 and beyond will lead to more sophisticated and demanding consumers.
- Real-time Reviews—Live, en masse, 24/7
- (F)luxury—Luxury is whatever consumers want it to be.
- Mass Mingling—Online fuels the real world.
- Eco-easy—Corporations and governments will have to make it easy for consumers to be more green.
- Tracking and Alerting—The new search tool for 2010.
- Embedded Generosity—More pragmatic and collaborative donation services for consumers.
- Profile Myning—Making the most financially out of online profiles.
- Maturialism—More opinionated, risqué, outspoken and raw.
Social media
The parallels to the spa world can be seen in these trends, however it is going to be up to each individual spa professional to decide how to define, interpret and adapt them. For example, take the fact that the International SPA Association (ISPA) lists social media as one of the top spa trends for 2010.
“Perhaps you’ve heard of a Web site called Twitter,” says Lynne McNees, ISPA president. “It’s helped to bust open the doors on a marketing revolution, and spas are leading the way. Now, it’s easier than ever for spas to offer up-to-the-minute deals by tweeting or posting a Facebook message. Cancellations are no longer a problem when you can re-book an appointment instantly. In fact, Ad-Ology research shows that 57% of 18- to 24-year-olds and 48.5% of 25- to 34-year-olds say social media influenced their choice of a hair salon or day spa.”
In fact, Skin Inc. magazine just launched its Facebook page. Log on, search for Skin Inc. magazine and become a fan!
Get creative!
Last year has proven that everyone—not just the spa industry—needs to reinvent the way they do business. And that could mean putting a creative twist on interpreting some of the information and trends that are making the rounds in the consumer arena. The more creative we can all become, the stronger our businesses—and this industry—will become.
Until next month,
Melinda Taschetta-Millane
Editor in Chief
Read the complete report “10 Crucial Consumer Trends for 2010” from trendwatching.com.