‘Tis the season to be thankful. These are #10things we as skin therapists are thankful for this month...and all year long.
1. Low startup costs. By starting a small business, we can fuel the economy and also provide for our families. Starting a skin care business doesn’t need to be expensive, and the space required is small.
2. Constantly evolving environment. Trends change, advanced education is always available and science is committed to expanding our industry. Being an esthetician is never boring.
3. Mobility. Our craft is global, and we can go anywhere with our two hands. Estheticians are not forced to live in a specific area, and we can go anywhere.
4. Earth friendly. When done properly, skin care is environmentally safe for the therapists and the clients. Our services cause little impact on the planet, and more and more products are sold in recyclable packaging.
5. Flexibility. We can meet you at 7 am for a peel and offer a Brazilian wax at 10 pm at night. We can work one day a week or all month. The opportunity to have a family, outside hobbies and other interests exists for us.
6. Not automated. With increased labor costs, companies are looking to robots to do the work of humans. How many people do you know would want a robot body treatment?
7. License to touch. Many of our clients are busy and disconnected. While they may be able to do most tasks online, skin care requires the human touch. People need human connection.
8. Profitability. This industry can be profitable. Professionals can operate successful studios as independent businesses. Franchise businesses and local spas also offer lucrative career paths for estheticians wanting to be an employee.
9. Clients are happy to see us. How many professions do you know of where the customer reserves their time and money every month. We are fortunate to have a profession where we can touch others in a positive way and make a difference every day in the treatment room.
10. No bad days. Your guests, co-workers, spa director and service desk team only want to be with happy people. It is our responsibility to arrive every day with a smile and an intention to have a great day.
I’m so thankful to be in an industry with so many positive attributes. I’m thankful I found this career every day. Why are you thankful? Post your responses on social media #10Things.