I’ve got a fever, and the only prescription is more beauty products! I got a package in the mail the other day that contained some go-to beauty products, and although I knew exactly what was in it, I have to admit that my stomach filled with excitement as soon as I saw it on my doorstep—it always does. I brought the box in, and as I was opening it I heard my young daughter exclaim, “Mom, it’s skin pretties!” At that moment, I realized: This fever—this love for all things beauty—its contagious, and you can give it to your kids, your sister, your clients, your staff and even your dog. Beauty fever can be contracted from someone else and spead like wildfire, and I’m here to say there is no cure.

As a fellow member of the beauty industry, I imagine that you feel the same way. When you hear about a new innovation or trend, does the fever in you guide you to the internet where you spend an hour or more researching the topic? That’s what happens to me every time. I hear “birch juice is the next coconut water,” and before you know it, I know its Latin name, have read a research paper on it and ordered a case for R&D. It is our job when a trend or innovation surfaces to research it, evaluate its staying power and decide whether to adopt it. We owe it to ourselves and to our clientele. However, with busy work schedules and lives, it can be difficult to feel out these trends. That’s where Skin Inc. is here to help. In this issue, Janel Luu discusses the top eight trends (see Page 32) migrating from Eastern cultures to the Western beauty market (jellyfish, anyone?), many of which have K-beauty origins. Also in this issue on Page 58, I outline the top 10 trends that I think are going to proliferate in the spa market in 2018, including adaptogens, millennial YOLO, blood treatments, vibrational therapy, fizzy skin care and more. Just in case you have seen a trend in this issue or elsewhere that you are thinking about bringing into your spa, we made sure to include insight from Ann Brown on Page 64 on how to discern substance from flash.
It is a wonderful thing to be part of this industry and be a conduit for making others feel excited, beautiful and confident. Here’s to a fever that no prescription can cure!
Yours in education,

Katie Anderson
Managing Editor