Make-Up Designory raised $25,000 through sales of its limited-edition NextAid makeup palette to help build a home for 16 orphaned children in Kenya. The profits were donated to Red Rhino, a nonprofit organization with the goal of helping create safe and sustainable communities for orphaned children. 818-729-9420
Makeovers Salon & Spa in Brockton and Easton, MA, raised more than $5,000 by hosting the Fashion for a Cause event for a local disabled boy who needed a wheelchair. Five women who were nominated and selected to receive makeovers at the facility made their runway debut. 508-238-1211
Clarisonic has partnered with Look Good ... Feel Better, a national public service program that helps women with cancer manage their treatment and recovery with renewed spirit and greater confidence. Clarisonic with donate $5 to the organization for every Pink Skin Cleansing System and $4 from every Pink Mia Skin Cleansing System. In October, $15 from each Hope Mia was donated to the organization, and $1 will be offered for every “Like” Clarisonic receives on its Facebook page, up to $100,000. 888-525-2747
Middletown, NY-based C’est La Vie Spa & Salon hosted a Pamper for Pink event in October where employees donated their time to help raise funds for the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk. Also, the proceeds from every appointment scheduled during that event were donated directly to the organization. 845-343-5000
Innovative Skincare held its annual iS Cancer Care Spa Days in October. Volunteers, including dermatologists, medical estheticians, massage therapists and others from the UCLA/Revlon Breast Center in Los Angeles and the Washington Cancer Institute at Washington Hospital Center in Washington, D.C.,gave special treatments to participants. Hundreds enjoyed a full day of pampering and education. 888-807-4447