Dermalogica has partnered with BreezoMeter for a unique app and website that can forecast pollution based on your current location.
"In terms of annual deaths, air pollution has surpassed malaria, car accidents and HIV combined." -Emil Fisher, chief technology officer for BreezoMeter
The Technology
Using either the application or visiting the website, you will be able to provide your location and then receive pollution index and air quality data for your area. The application will also provide you with information on how the pollution level can affect your skin and what products you should use to protect yourself with. Additionally, the application allows user to look at four-day forecasts, so they can plan vacations and trips around pollution concerns.
Preventing Death and Disease
Commenting on the need for this technology, Emil Fisher, chief technology officer for BreezoMeter, said “In terms of annual deaths, air pollution has surpassed malaria, car accidents and HIV combined. It’s a massive and global issue affecting everyone.”