With the rise of non-invasive treatments, consumers are opting for less invasive cosmetic treatments to achieve their esthetic goals. Among the various non-invasive treatment options out there, radio frequency treatments have become popular because of its quick and effective delivery method.
Increase in treatment demands have resulted in growth for the devices used in the treatments. According to a Future Market Insight’s Report, the global market for radio frequency beauty devices will grow at a CAGR of 15.3% and be worth $643.9 million dollars by 2026.
Rise of Radio Frequency Treatments
The main reasons for this growth is outlined in consumers behavior noted in the report, which includes:
- Radio treatments are non-invasive and don’t produce scars;
- Popularity of skin treatments and body contouring is growing; and
- Beauty care centers demands are rising, resulting in overall growth.
Device Growth and Global Markets
Additionally, the report indicated how specific devices will do from 2016 to 2026:
- Trolley mounted radio frequency equipment is anticipated to drop 6% to a market share of 49% by 2026
- Tabletop devices will remain unaffected
- Portable devices will be the fastest growers, projected to be worth $135 million by 2026
In terms of global projections, Japan and Asia-Pacific regions will experience the largest growth in sales of radio frequency beauty devices. The region will expand at a CAGR of 20.4%, while Japan’s market will be worth $40 million by 2026.