Éminence Organic Skin Care celebrates its fifth anniversary of receiving biodynamic certification from Demeter USA on the company’s facial recovery oil. The company is one of the few skin care brands to meet the Demeter Association's biodynamic certification standard for five years running.
"Demeter Biodynamic certification for skin care products is the most stringent standard in the world, which is why there are very few skin care companies, like Éminence Organic Skin Care, that attain it." — Elizabeth Candelario
Éminence Organic Skin Care is the also one of the first luxury brands to receive the Demeter certification for a complete collection of Biodynamic beauty products.
The Demeter organic certification is a stringent process, which provides the assurance to consumers that each product upholds the more than 300+ farming, production and bottling standards. These extensive, uniform standards protect the integrity of biodynamic agriculture for both consumers and farmers. Once a farm or agriculturally based product obtains Demeter Biodynamic certification, a thorough re-certification process occurs every year.
"Demeter Biodynamic certification for skin care products is the most stringent standard in the world, which is why there are very few skin care companies, like Éminence Organic Skin Care, that attain it," said Elizabeth Candelario, managing director of Demeter USA.