The idea of going green in the spa has only continued to grow with the wellness industry and the knowledge of the climate change; however, it has recently taken a more expensive turn. The Global Wellness Institute (GWI) shared how even with rapid technology there are physical limits on resources, so governments will need to start stepping in to impose caps on resources and stop "ecological catastrophe."
"According to a new UN report published by its scientific panel on climate change, if greenhouse gas emissions continue at the current rate, the atmosphere could warm by as much as 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit above pre-industrial levels by 2030," explains the GWI report. The report further explains how the rise of sea levels in a huge concern for the wellness industry with many wellness resorts, programs and retreats being based along coastlines. Furthermore, with flooding being talked about rising a foot or so, it could soon become uneconomical for wellness resorts to continue to operate in seaside locations.
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Want to see how your spa can make a difference going green? See Attila Koronczay, general manager of Éminence Organic Skin Care, 12 Ways Your Spa Can Be More Green in the digital edition!
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