We all know it takes hard work—not luck—to have a successful skin care practice. Here are #10 things you can do to get lucky and make some green this March!
- Know your sales goals for the month. What are your service, sales and pre-booking goals? Write them down and review them daily. What is the reward for you—and your team—if you exceed your goals?
- Do you have any teen clients? Most estheticians don’t think they do, but all the moms—and dads—with teenagers are your clients. Talk to them about skin care for young adults and offer to have a teen-focused event where you share knowledge about skin care basics.
- March is a great month to offer a peel series to clients. The holidays are gone, spring break is around the corner and wedding season is just a few months away. Create exfoliation packages that include take-home products for clients to prepare them for the months to come.
- Review every invoice this month. What are you paying for, who is charging fees and where are there opportunities to save? Ask every vendor this month, “How can I save money?”
- Stock up on top sellers. March is a common month for vendor price increases, stock up on top sellers and save.
- Speaking of price increases ... When was the last time service prices were increased? Prices should go up with the cost of the service. Post signage and thank guests for being loyal clients.
- Create a “get-lucky” add-on eye treatment and offer it to every guest. Do the math...how much additional revenue could you make in the month of March if EVERY guest had an additional $15–30 add-on service?
- Offer a Happy Education Hour this month. Invite a yogi, plastic surgeon, poet ... anyone that compliments your practice and interests your clients.
- Call all the clients that were in over the holidays—and have not yet returned—and invite them back. Remind them you ideally would like to see them every 4–6 weeks.
- Who purchased product 10–12 weeks ago? Chances are they are ready for a refill. Offer them an incentive to come into the facility or ask them if you can ship the product directly to them product. Make it easy for clients to purchase product.