The best way to fight one of the deadliest and fastest growing cancers may be to get naked. In May the Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF) announced the launch of #GetNaked, a provocative new awareness campaign designed to prompt people to watch for potentially dangerous changes in moles on the skin.
Research has shown that patients, not doctors, are most likely to spot their melanomas, so the MRF is encouraging people to #GetNaked and ask a friend or family member to check hard-to-see places and keep track of suspicious moles.
Performing thorough self-skin examinations each month and visiting a dermatologist each year for a professional examination, can help catch melanoma in its early stages, dramatically increasing survival rates. It takes only one blistering sunburn, especially at a young age, to more than double a person’s chance of developing melanoma later in life.
“When people think about protecting themselves from melanoma, they typically think about sunscreen, often ignoring the importance of checking for irregular moles or discoloration,” said Tim Turnham, PhD, executive director of the MRF. “Melanoma can be deadly, but this campaign encourages early detection, before it spreads, so that it can be more easily treated.”
In May, Melanoma advocates are encouraged to change their social media profile pictures to an official #GetNaked image and share important early detection messages. Participants can also share digital “postcards” that feature campaign images and slogans with friends and family via Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Visit www.melanoma.org/getnaked to learn more.