Male patients in the medspa are becoming more popular, with many male clients wanting to keep up their 'man'tenance.' A recent survey from the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS), found that 57% of facial plastic surgeons reported their patients desire to stay relevant and competitive at work as a key reason for them to come and get the cosmetic procedure.
“Modern men are not trying to look like their high school yearbook photos or anything quite so drastic, but today’s male facial plastic surgery patient craves changes that allow him to look more refreshed and in the game,” explains AAFPRS President William H. Truswell, M.D.
Of the different non-surgical procedures offered, the AAFPRS explained how botox, or 'brotox,' and fillers were of the most popular. "Most men opt to treat only one or two areas, such as the forehead or brow. By doing so, there remains some natural movement so the gentleman does not appear 'frozen,'” explained Todd Besnoff, M.D, founder of Ultimate Image Medical Center.
The age range of male clients in the medspa seems to be fairly vast depending on the desired procedure. Besnoff further explained how he can find patients ranging from their 20s to their 70s who are looking for different procedures.