Eyelash extensions are a treatment that have continued to soar in popularity, which has led to numerous spas and salons offering and specializing in the service. Mastering the technique of this art form can prove to be difficult, as well as mastering the ability to make a profit off of the service. That’s why Skin Inc. reached out to all of you budding lash artists to gather your frequently asked questions about lash extensions. To answer the top five gathered questions, we sat down with lash experts from NovaLash and Xtreme Lashes to discuss how they keep their lash business booming.
1. How do you market a lash business effectively?
With such an extreme competition between different spas offering this service, it can prove to be extremely difficult having a business that stands out. Jo Mousselli, president and CEO of Xtreme Lashes, started her advice off by discussing the importance of “getting certified by a reputable eyelash extension company that will provide you with the training and confidence to custom-design safe, sanitary and lasting lashes.” Once this certification is achieved, it can be marketed to gather clients who have heard of the company. Most informed clientele will look for a lash artist that has a certification from a reputable source that they can rely on.
Once you have your certification, it’s time to turn to social media. One thing all lash experts could agree on was that social media was huge for marketing to a wide variety of audiences. Do more than just post before and after photos though; comment on pictures, provide advice through social platforms and show off your knowledge every chance that you get. Kelley Delmonico, owner Minneapolis Lashes, NovaLash Brand Ambassador, explained how marketing well on social media can really reach a wide audience of people both in and out of your state. “I have had clients that are traveling to my state for an event reach out to ask if I am able to do their lashes when they are in town,” Delmonico states.
2. What advice can lash artists give clients for extending the wear of their lashes?
“Keeping your lash extensions clean is imperative for the health of your natural lashes and the longevity of your extensions,” explained Delmonico, and the other lash experts couldn’t agree more. Providing your clients with a guide on how to clean their lashes is imperative if they want their lashes to wear well for a long time. From cleaning to cosmetics, be well educated on how to take care of the lash extensions so that you can effectively pass that information along to your clients. There’s not much more to it than that.
3. What is the best set up for a lash service?
When it comes to setting up your service room, it really becomes a game of comfort vs. time, as your clients will be laying there for roughly two hours. Christina Elshaug, owner Christina Beauty, NovaLash ambassador, explains how, apart from a comfortable bed, a nice pillow for the neck and knees and a blanket are good things to keep in mind when considering your client’s comfort. “The other important thing is a bright lamp. It will make the lash application so much easier. Always remember to take care of your own back too when choosing a chair,” Elshaug explained.
Mousselli fully agreed with this concept and discussed the importance of posture during the service in order to have repeat appointments with your client. “Ensure that the chair you sit on enables you to place your feet flat on the floor and have your knees parallel with the floor and that your calf and thighs form a right angle if you looked at yourself from the side. Practicing good posture and making it a habit will enable you to continue your lash application profession for many years to come without strain.”
The most important part of the set-up though is being able to see the lash extensions. That’s why Raylene Cravens, owner Salon Lash by Lash, NovaLash brand ambassador, explains how apart from good lighting “using a magnifying, or a loop could be a helpful tool to consider.”
4. How do you keep prices steady when business are undercutting or discounting their lash extension services?
When it comes to lash extensions, quality is huge. Most of the time, if people are way underselling the service, there is a reason. Elshaug explains how “it’s very important to tell your clients why the prices may be higher. Share your knowledge about lashes and make them feel special and taken care of in the process.” This understanding helps clients get rid of the notion that that you’re overselling the service when you aren’t.
“Do not be tempted to charge less than you should by using cheap and low-quality supplies and adhesives and taking short-cuts that will damage your reputation and damage your client’s natural lashes.” Mousselli continued explaining how it is a matter of your reputation as a lash artist. Once client’s have tried the cheaper alternative and their natural lashes become damaged, it is only a matter of time they will seek out a better lash artist–you.
5. How can you boost retail sales with lash services?
To start off, Elshaug advises that you “talk about your retail products before, during and after lash application. Then they have a lot of time processing the information.” In explaining to your clients the importance of cleaning your lashes to extend their longevity, you are already helping them to understand how they need to invest in these retail products. Delmonico also suggest “having multiple options for retail helps, as well as doing a product demonstration since people are more likely to buy a product they have seen, felt and smelled.”
“Remember that retailing begins during the pre-application consultations and extends through your lash application during which you need to ensure that you find out what your client uses to cleanse, treat and decorate their eyes. Tell your client what you are using, why and how you are using them and go over the features and benefits and the key ingredients of these products so that by the end of the lash application, they have already been informed on the importance. Ensure they feel comfortable in asking you questions until you both believe they are ready.” Mousselli states.