Roughly one out of two American women are now removing hair from their genital/bikini area according to Multi-sponsor Surveys' Study of the Women's Intimate Care Market, although this practice is most common among young women in the United States. In this study conducted in May/June 2013 among a national sample of 600+ adult women in the United States, 80% of all 18–34-year-old women reported removal of genital/bikini hair, as did 64% of 35–49 year old women, in comparison to only 19% of women age 50+.
While removal of bikini area hair is a growing trend in the United States, Brazilian women are at the forefront of this trend and maintain this practice as they age. In each age group, Brazilian women are more likely to remove genital/bikini hair than American women. This difference is most pronounced among women age 50 and older. The study notes that 65% of Brazilian women in this age group still remove genital/bikini hair vs. only 19% of American women this age.
Removal methods differ as well
Among women who remove genital/bikini hair, Americans rely primarily on a blade razor, whereas Brazilians are far more likely to wax (46% vs. 6% in the United States). American women's preference for blade razors for genital/bikini hair removal leads to greater problems with razor burn, bumps and nicks or cuts after hair removal than is reported in Brazil.
According to Pat Guenther, vice president at Multi-sponsor Surveys, "American women who are committed to removing genital/bikini hair might learn from Brazilian women and try bikini waxing. Alternatively, manufacturers should develop more specialized bikini hair removal products and/or after-shave topical products."
More information about this study is available at www.intimatecareresearch.com or contact Pat Guenther at [email protected] or 609-924-7772.
Source Data was compiled from the 2013 Study of the Women's Intimate Care Market , which was conducted in May/June 2013 via online interviews among national samples of adult women in the U.S. (n=600+), Brazil (n=500+) and Western Europe (n=1,200+).
About Multi-sponsor Surveys, Inc.
Multi-sponsor Surveys, Inc. is a diversified, syndicated market research company. Established in 1989, the company conducts over 100 major, primary research studies in the areas of personal care, pharmaceutical and wellness, food and beverage, nutrition, pet care and consumer goods and services. For more information visit: www.multisponsor.com.