Skin Care Tips for Feet

Some crucial steps to maintain foot health and aesthetics include exfoliating, moisturizing and toenail care, per Bustle.
Some crucial steps to maintain foot health and aesthetics include exfoliating, moisturizing and toenail care, per Bustle.

Despite being commonly overlooked in routines, foot skin care is a crucial step to not only maintain aesthetics but also avoid a variety of issues like athletes’ feet, cracked skin, cellulitis and fungus. Some skin experts suggest that feet should have their own skin regimen. These three steps can be used as a routine to maintain foot health, per Bustle.

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The skin on the feet is different from other parts of the body, with the soles of feet having thicker skin due to the weight it holds. This makes them particularly prone to dryness, which can lead to cracked skin and roughness, according to Marcela Correa, a licensed medical pedicurist at Medi Pedi NYC.


Exfoliate feet once a week, year-round, to prevent cracking and soften calluses. For manual exfoliants, it is suggested to use a pumice stone or foot file. For chemical exfoliants, use AHAs like lactic or glycolic acids. Since it can be a more intense treatment, it is recommended to only do chemical exfoliants on the feet once every two months.


Moisturizer should be applied once a day to prevent dryness and cracking. Heels tend to dry faster, according to Correa, so she suggests using a silicone heel protector with a foot cream that contains urea at night.

Toenail Care

Toenails can contribute to the overall health of feet, so it is important to maintain nail care. Correa suggests trimming nails straight across and using caution to not overly cut toenails, which can cause ingrown toenails. She also suggests applying oil to toenails every day to keep cuticles nourished and hydrated. 

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