With the return of the Face & Body Northern California show happening September 8-9, at the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center, we are excited to announce we are looking for speakers to present at our event.
- Business
- Treatments
- Skin Science
- Wellness
- Skin Care Ingredients
- Spa Trends
Do you have an idea that you would love to share with our audience? Even better, does it apply to the theme of our event, Next Gen Beauty? Next Gen Beauty is focused on four main areas of professional beauty:
- Virtual Experiences
- Advanced Technology
- High-Tech Ingredients
- Designs of the Future
If you have a topic that would benefit our spa professionals, submit your proposal to us by Feb. 5, 2024.
Key Information
- All presentations must be product neutral and educational in nature and cannot promote the products or services of the presenter(s).
- Selected speakers will be granted a complimentary registration for them and a guest.
- Submissions are due by Feb. 5, 2024.
- Send Your Proposals to Maggie Walker at [email protected].
How To Submit a Presentation Proposal
Please send the following items to [email protected]. Incomplete proposals can be considered invalid.
- Name
- Job Title, Business
- E-mail, Address, Phone
- IG, Facebook, YouTube or TikTok Handles
- Suggested Topic
- 150-200 Word Description of Topic
- Required Compensation (If Needed)
- Prior Speaking Experience (Links If Available)
- Headshot
- 100 Word Bio
- Product Company Affiliations (If Applicable)