One way to keep marketing costs low while still gathering a lot of attention to your spa is having A+ social media skills. More specifically, building the aesthetic appeal of your spa to make it more "Instagramable" would encourage clients to take and share pictures of their treatments and the spa. With your spa looking more "Instagrammable" it can help attract other people to want to check out your space as well. Here are a few tips and tricks to boost the aesthetic appeal of your spa.
1. Develop a Style
When it comes to decorating or incorporating a "look" into your spa, it is important to make sure that fits your spa's personality. For example, Dr. Sheila Nazarian put her vision throughout every corner of her practice, making sure it kept a traditional look while specifically keeping Instagram in mind.1
Make sure your style shows the personality of your spa. Whether it's a modern, rustic or artistic feel incorporate furniture, decor and lighting that will match this feel.
2. Cover All Areas
While spas are not necessarily the areas for people to sit on their phone, it is still important to cover every nook and cranny of your spa. Not only will this further incorporate the ambiance and style of your spa, but it will also make it nearly impossible for your clients to not want to share pictures of your spa.
You don't want to lose your style or aesthetic going from the beautiful front area that you decorated and moving toward the treatment room. Make sure to cover all your bases, so that while your clients may not stop and take pictures in the hallway the aesthetic is still there. They will be mesmerized by the picture perfectness.
3. Develop a Hashtag
Now that you have the look of your spa down, build a hashtag for yourself that will make it easy for your clients to find your spa. Be sure to tell clients to use your specific hashtag when they post pictures of your spa or pictures of them in your spa.
4. Think About Lighting
When it comes to the selfie-craze society we are currently in, lighting is everything for pictures. If you don't have plenty of places that show off your aesthetic and have nice natural lighting, people will not want to take pictures as much.
There is more than just natural lighting that you can include in your spa, so play with different lighting options and be sure to offer them to your clients. Allow for plenty of natural lighting to come in if you are able, and if you are not supplement with good lighting fixtures, so that every angle becomes your clients good angles.
You will be providing your clients with treatments to give them great skin, they will already want to take pictures to show it off. Give them the space to let them do this and show off your good work.