Q: How do I get clients in that haven’t visited for a long time?
A: This is an area that far too many beauty biz practitioners overlook because they are fearful of:
- Being pushy,
- Sounding desperate,
- Knowing what to say, and
- Sounding sales-y.
When these concerns set in, it is easy to overlook the importance of connecting with past clients and become hyper-focused on trying to attract new clients. The problem with this approach (and mindset) is the lack of client attraction balance. My 15 years of experience has proven that 70-85% of your marketing time, energy and dollars should be spent on keeping your current clients engaged with your offering, so they return on a regular basis.
Having the mindset that you are going to be an interruption if you reach out to past clients could be costing you thousands of dollars in profits and loads of wasted money spent on expensive and ineffective advertising.
According to the White House Office of Consumer Affairs, it is 6-7 times more costly to attract a new customer than it is to retain an existing customer. Considering the fact that 80% of your company’s future revenue will come from 20% of your current customers (Gartner Group), this is something you’ll want to be paying attention to when devoting time to filling your schedule.
Provided here are three ways to use my “Reel Them Back In Rituals System.” Notice that the system mainly surrounds knowing your client. You need to know what type of engagement will speak to their needs, wants and skin care desires.
1. Note the personal. Make notes on intake forms of a personal story the client has shared with you. It’s easier to reach out and connect with someone when you have something personal to ask them about rather than contacting them out of the blue.
2. Know what they love. Know what services they love, and entice them back in with a quick note about special savings (surrounding their favorite facial or waxing service) that you are offering that made you think of them. You could also add, “miss you or miss your face.”
3. Have a goal. Send a personalized handwritten card to three past clients each week. Take a moment to think about how good it feels to get something in the mail other than a bill.
Bringing clients back into your business will require you to put on your business bravery cap, step out of your comfort zone and make someone feel recognized and appreciated.