Since Apple revealed its first iPhone just 12, short years ago, smart phones have changed the entire world’s way of communicating. We can barely remember a time when, standing in line at Starbucks, every single person there wasn’t on their mobile device either texting, emailing, checking social media or chatting. So, if the world is now mobile, shouldn’t your marketing be mobile, too?
Phone Call, Email, Social Media or Text?
In my experience, all forms of mobile communication have inherent value, but the emphasis you give each one should match the habits of your current and targeted clientele. You might use a personal phone call to remind a recently-seen client of a special you’re running but keep in mind, everyone’s busy and lots of people simply don’t answer their phones anymore, letting them go to voicemail or waiting for a follow-up text.
E-mail. Well-crafted emails are still very effective but things have changed there, too. Shortened attention spans require shorter, snappier content that is image driven. Email too infrequently and you’ll likely lose your client’s interest; e-mail them too often and you’ll get deleted. Find that sweet spot of the two.
Social Media. Once upon a time, people checked social media on their desktops but now, it’s done much more frequently on phones. With that in mind, your posts should be mobile-friendly. If you create your posts on a desktop computer or tablet, test them out on a mobile device to ensure the graphics fit a much smaller screen. Posting is one of the easiest ways to reach a lot of people simultaneously; the trick is to post content interesting and entertaining enough to make viewers want to follow you and share your content with their friends.
Text. You can text the same special offers that you send via email, but they need to be that much shorter and sweeter. If you’re sending a graphic, again, test it out to see how it will display on an iPhone 6, 8, X, etc. versus a Galaxy, LG, etc. Does the graphic load properly? Is it eye-catching?
Keep in mind that with phone calls, emails and texting, you’ll want to get permission from your clients before contacting them. Don’t assume they won’t mind and risk getting blocked.
Apps and Software for Mobile Marketing
You’re busy, too, so don’t think you have to spend your precious free time manually sending out texts, e-mails, etc. when there are many available options for apps and software that will do the work for you. These online tools allow you to send both bulk and personalized text messages to your contacts, schedule posts across multiple social media channels and track your feedback and engagement. Research your options to see which features will work best for your needs and be sure to check online reviews regarding performance.
Know the Frequency
Send texts no more frequently than you’re sending emails. You want readers to look forward to your special offers, notices, posts, etc. It’s perfectly fine (and in fact, a good idea) to send texts that notify readers of any emails you’ve sent them with verbiage along the lines of, “We sent you an amazing offer via email, but in case it went to spam, here it is via text.”
You should plan to post something on social media every day, though some days you’ll post light content or a cute graphic and others, you can offer something meatier, such as a before and after video of the latest, greatest facial treatment. When you post; however, don’t send them a text letting them know; they’ll view your post at their convenience.
Putting it All Together
It has been said that nothing is permanent but change and that’s true for mobile marketing, too. Don’t get stuck in your old ways; embrace what’s happening now and you, too, can reap the benefits of mobile marketing mania.
Top 3 Tips for Mobile Marketing Mania
- Always include a call to action, even in your abbreviated texts—something along the lines of: “Call this number to book an appointment” or “Click this link for more information.”
- Ask your clients for feedback! Are they getting your texts? Would they like to receive information from you more/less frequently? Do they typically read your emails? Why or why not?
- Monitor which types of social media posts get the highest amount of engagement from your readers; don’t keep posting more of the same if the response is lackluster. Keep trying, keep tweaking and never give up!