The American Association of Cosmetology Schools’ (AACS) Dollars for Donations program allows spas to give back when processing credit card payments. When selecting the program, .25% of the payment processing fees are rebated to the Beauty Changes Lives initiative, helping fund beauty school scholarships and donations. 888-762-4825
During December, Genesis Medspa in Colorado Springs, CO, donated 10% profit of all gift certificates sold during the holiday season to the Empty Stocking Fund, which provides resources for 15 local health and human service agencies in the Pikes Peak region of Colorado. 719-579-6890
Members of the Bio-Therapeutic, Inc. team recently took part in a walk to benefit the South Sound Alzheimer’s Association. 800-971-6438
Communities In Schools, a program for at-risk teens offered in Los Angeles area middle and high schools, recently teamed up with Dermalogica’s Clean Start teen skin care line, Stila Cosmetics and the j.k. livin’ foundation for a healthy skin care and makeup lesson and product sampling for 20 teens at Hamilton High School in Los Angeles. 310-900-4000
Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics has been added to the People for Ethical Treatment of Animals’ (PETA) “Companies That Don’t Test on Animals” database. 800-216-6133