Editor's note:If your spa focuses on sustainability and "green" offerings, consider implementing a multigenerational marketing campaign, making sure that younger clients or potential clients and boomers are in the mix. The information below might surprise in regard to who "green" appeals to in today's society.
Many marketers are actively targeting Gen Y consumers in the green space (and elsewhere). As a long-term strategy, Gen Y is obviously a good target given the value of building brand usage now for continued lifetime loyalty.
However, within the green space, it is important to recognize that Gen Y consumers don’t always "think green". Boomers outpace Gen Y across numerous attitudes, such as concern about sustainability, renewable power and water conservation. And, a larger share of boomers are LOHAS consumers than are Gen Y.
However, buying behavior is mixed: the penetration of organic foods/beverages is higher among Gen Y and Gen X than Boomers, while usage of natural cleaning products and natural personal care products is comparable across generations.
What does this mean? Marketers need to recognize that many Gen Y are buying green products for reasons other than environmental values and social benefits. As so, any organization that is communicating with Gen Y needs to know that they require education and information on the connection between product purchases and environmental impact.
But don't forget the boomers — at 78 million strong and $2.3 trillion in spending power — they are the driving force behind many industries. A multigenerational marketing strategy, designed to meet each generation's needs, is the most viable approach for many organizations.