Industry Mourns Frank Berg

Frank Berg, president of Natural Health Spa Education and owner of The Beauty Resort in Eagle River, Wisconsin, passed away January 9, 2006. He was well known at trade shows for representing the GX-99 and Steamy Wonder. With his popularity, his clientele grew, as did the demand for his educational classes on how to perform effective cellulite treatments, making his trainings highly sought after. His employees, friends and family will miss him greatly. He is survived by his 17-year-old daughter and only child, who is to graduate from high school this year. Berg’s passion was the spa industry, but he worked relentlessly for his love of his life--his daughter, Andrea. Many have wanted a way to express their grief and turn this unexpected loss into a celebration of life, so a college fund has been set up for his daughter.
Please, send donations to:
River Valley State Bank
Attn: Nancy Schuller c/o Andrea Berg Fund
P.O. Box 2350
Eagle River, WI 54521
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