Sirius Day Spa Provides Sunshine Kids With Spa Experience

Sirius Day Spa collaborated with the Sunshine Kids to provide children battling cancer and their siblings a day at the spa, according to an article from Your Observer.
Sirius Day Spa collaborated with the Sunshine Kids to provide children battling cancer and their siblings a day at the spa, according to an article from Your Observer.

The Sunshine Kids and Sirius Day Spa collaborated on a spa experience for children battling cancer in University Park, Fla., according to an article from Your Observer.

Related: European Day Spa Offers Free Services to Cancer Patients, Front Line Workers

The event provided the children and their siblings with a variety of traditional spa perks—massages, nail treatments, hair styling, etc.—and creative activities like the five-year-old boy that had a temporary tattoo of a cloverleaf put on his arm.

Pineapple Kitchen of Bradenton provided food for the event.

The Sunshine Kids organization presents a variety of programs and events free of charge for children battling cancer. This is the second collaboration with Sirius Day Spa.

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