Deepak Chopra, MD, and Grandparents.com (www.grandparents.com) announced today, a partnership to create Timeless You: The Biology of Youth & The Wisdom of Experience (www.grandparents.com/timelessyou) a six-part online interactive program launching January 31, 2014, with exclusive videos, guided activities and more. The first course, Changing Perceptions, transforms the way you age by shifting the way you think, and is free. Chopra will appear on CNN's "Piers Morgan Live" on January 31, in relation to the kick-off of the program.
"We have the power to reverse our age," says Chopra, global leader, author and pioneer in the field of mind-body medicine. "For generations we've been taught that aging means decline—of the mind and body—but that does not have to be the case. With Timeless You, I extend an invitation to explore a different path, one where you feel youthful, vibrant, and fit mentally and physically as you age."
Steve Leber, CEO of Grandparents.com says: "The Boomergeneration is like no other aging generation in history; they are vibrant, engaged, and totally connected to their family, their community and the world. Together with Deepak, we're giving Boomers a life experience that helps them feel their best inside and out for years to come."