Thirty, flirty and thriving has never been more true than with Skin Inc.'s 30th anniversary, but we gathered at Face & Body in San Jose, CA this year to celebrate even more than that. After putting together a panel of experts, we wanted to celebrate how this beautiful industry has grown and expanded over the last three decades, while grasping some insight onto what can come in the future.
Lydia Sarfati, founder and CEO of Repêchage, Danné Montague-King, founder of DMK, Katherine Tomasso, L.E., C.M.T., national director and educator of YON-KA Paris and Michael Pugliese, CEO of Circadia by Dr. Pugliese, Inc., all joined together to discuss the industry, how it has changed and where it is going.
Where is the spa industry going?
One very important question that was asked during this panel was the final one: What is your biggest piece of advice for someone entering the industry? After discussing how science and technology is the leading source of change that is coming through the industry, there was a strong agreement, and some great advice, for all new budding spa professionals.
Lydia Sarfati
Sarfati opened up the discussion with a statement that was simple and powerful. Make sure you are sending every client home with the proper retail, so that they can take care of their skin. "Retail! Retail! Retail!" she exclaimed.
She further discussed on how spa professionals need to work smarter and not harder, and retail is the best way to do that. In this industry Sarfati firmly stated how retail equals success.
"Estheticians today do not rely on pure science...I think we all have a responsibility to stay true when it comes to science." Lydia Sarfati.
Danné Montague-King
Montague-King heavily agreed with Sarfati on this topic explaining how, when a client goes home after a service to use a bad product on their skin, they are really just ruining your hard work. Thus, Montague-King emphasized that retail is very, very important.
He further discussed how spa professionals should not be asking what their clients want or think they need, but they should be putting them on something similar to how a doctor would prescribe a medication.
"You are not a servant of the public. You are professionals." Danné Montague-King
Also, he discussed how an important aspect of the business and succeeding is investing in tools that you have put a lot of research and thought into. In this industry you will face a lot of companies and claims, so its the spa professionals job to think of the modality of the tools they buy and not bank their career on a machine.
Katherine Tomasso
Tomasso agreed Sarfati and Montague-King when it came to their viewpoints on retail. However, she took her advice a step further to encourage any budding spa professionals to expose themselves to everything and go into the industry full force.
It's important to find your voice, and weave this into your practice. Know what is important to you and make sure that reflects in your services and the business you provide. Ending things on a high-note, Tomasso left people to ponder one of her favorite quotes from her yoga instructor, "You can't take care of something you can't touch."
"This industry was born from vanity, but as it has developed, self care has really changed." Katherine Tomasso.
Michael Pugliese
Pugliese decided to take a different route from the rest of the panel, and really tackle this question from a business stand point. He explained how this industry is very hot right now and it is changing rapidly.
For success, Pugliese explained how it is important for spa professionals to surround themselves with a group of mentors and seek out their advice. This can keep them from possibly making the same mistakes as others, as well as get the opinions of seasoned veterans in the field.
"I would say the words to use [for what the biggest game changers have been in the industry] would be advancement and innovation." Michael Pugliese.
He further explained how you are entering the beauty esthetic business, and that is is very important to not forget the business part of that.