In a technology savvy-world dominated by the flood of information through social media and multiple review forums, running a successful business relies heavily on how you establish a rewarding relationship with your clients. Although the outcome of the services you provide depends on many factors that include your expertise, confidence with techniques, skin care selection and equipment, it is paramount that the interpersonal relationship is not overlooked. This is where the power of touch comes in to play.
With overwhelming information available today, meeting client expectations can be tricky and sometimes plain impossible. The client’s perception and expectations can be high, making it challenging to deliver a treatment that can earn you a five-star rating. To create an environment that is uplifting and respectful, yet not taxing on the business owner is not a simple task. Attracting loyal clients and keeping them for a long period requires communication skills, finesse, sincerity to serve them well and ingenuity. There are 12 key elements that you need to retain happy clients, and the major role belongs to YOU.
1. A Set Intention
Having happy clients begins with your intentions and your state of mind. Your touch sends an unspoken signal to your client. Your body language and tone of voice can attract or fend off a client. Your conscious effort can help you move through each day with ease and confidence. You can reduce stress by focusing your intentions in seeking a solution that is uniquely aimed at their objectives and thus creating an environment where gratitude and appreciation will be reciprocated.
I was once asked, “How do you set your intention, and how do you teach this to others?” Like yourself, I believe in helping others by educating and caring for them. As I start performing my treatment after receiving their permission, I focus my intention through my heart by extending my love to them. Projecting such intention can be uplifting and soothing for the receiver.
2. Clear Thoughts
We all have busy lives, as we all share a constant struggle to be shifting our priorities. Within such madness, we need to focus our effort into finding the means to clear up our mind routinely.
If you are a visual person like I am, you may find it useful to practice this method. While driving to work, separate work and personal tasks into two piles and only concentrate on one aspect at a time. Before stepping out of the car, allow yourself only two minutes to go through a mental exercise and sort the ideas. Then pack the work-related tasks, and take them to your office. As you drive home at the end of the day, do the same but in the opposite order. A clear mind is important in helping you be attentive and responsive to the needs of your clients. You have thus harmonized your efforts.
3. Self-awareness
You may have heard the phrase, “like attracts like.” To accomplish your objectives, you need to believe you have the power to steer your future in the right path, and that primarily requires self-awareness. The first step in the path of growth through healing is to be aware of our own feelings. By accepting our own shortcomings, we can start the awareness to forgive ourselves for past shortcomings, learn from them, and start the path to incrementally correct our behavior as we strive to become gentler and more caring toward others.
4. Acceptance
The sense of self-worth and acceptance is one of the primary human needs. Our sincerity and willingness to listen creates a serenity and calmness that alleviates anger and resentment before the client steps into our sanctuary—the treatment room. A calm state of mind is essential to help other’s needs, and creates an environment to achieve better results.
5. A Signature Fragrance
Our sense of smell creates a lasting memory. Consider using a fragrance as your marketing signature to let your clients remember you. Select an essential oil that you like, but keep it mild and delicate. To remove negative energy, make a mixture of orange blossom and water in a spray bottle. Use a small amount after each client to cleanse your treatment room. Or while washing linens, add diluted lavender or sage to the rinse cycle. Spreading a naturally fragranced sheet over the treatment bed creates a calming environment. Also, be mindful of clients who are hyper-sensitive to strong smells or chemicals.
6. A Seasonal Change
As our surrounding natural landscape undergoes seasonal changes, why not promote treatments that complement, or look forward to these coming cycles? It helps change the mood and creates excitement by looking ahead. It motivates you to plan ahead in a creative way and offer new services that will show results for the upcoming occasions. Subsequently, it adds an element of inspiration that is in harmony with nature.
7. A Thorough Intake
Evaluating the goals of your client is one of the most important steps in offering proper care. Understanding their health, work schedule, extracurricular activities, diet, medication, spiritual grounding and lifestyle is essential in planning a program to reach their goal. It is only through a careful review during the initial visit that a comprehensive plan can be created. This plan should be routinely updated and modified to meet the goals and expectations.
8. Set Expectations
Many factors contribute to the treatment outcome. Based on the client’s intake data and your knowledge and experience, a reasonable goal with attainable results can be set. Be candid; explain your commitment to the schedule in sincere terms. Set realistic expectations and show your own goals and self-evaluation of the results and treatment outcome.
9. A Complete Solution
Skin, the largest organ of our body, is a mirror that reflects what is happening inside. Proper nutrition, hydration, adequate rest, controlled stress level and correct use of skin care products play major roles in skin health. A total solution is only one component of the plan, and the client’s commitment to help themselves is the essential part of the program.
10. Accountability
Follow through and keep your client accountable. It is of utmost importance to review their progress at every appointment to determine changes in case a modification is required. Be gentle and kind, but firm. It will help them stay on track, and supply them with stamina not to deviate from the plan while keeping you informed of life changes.
11. Expertise
Through years of practice, you will gain vision and expertise. Elevate your services by advancing in the field through educating yourself continuously. Be on the lookout for what makes your services unique and extraordinary and set aside some time to invest in learning new things.
12. A Networking Group
As opportunities arise, work toward creating a networking group among your various colleagues with different skills. Set up a referral program and trust that they will be doing a fantastic job for a client. You will be rewarded in reciprocity. When a group of specialists collaborate, it conveys a sense of community and validates your practice as one of the highest quality.
A Rewarding Compliment
A happy, returning client is the most rewarding compliment that you as a business owner can cherish. Often times, we find our clients become lifelong friends and associates. Your positive attitude and forward thinking builds a bridge that overcomes all potential negativity. Your knowledge and experience combined with respectful behavior builds trust. Showing your commitment to their well-being through your consistent follow-ups encourages them to seek healthy habits. As always, keep true to yourself and be proud of how you bring satisfaction and happiness to your clients. Enjoy a set of high ethical values in all situations, as these simple time-honored morals help build a respectful bond between you and your client.