Manicures and pedicures are services enjoyed by nearly all clients. These spa services make my heart smile, along with keeping my nails looking fabulous. What if we could go even deeper with these services and bring a new level of healing into them? We are all familiar with crystals. They are being utilized just about everywhere, from bracelets to our water. What if we incorporated crystals into our nail services? The client would genuinely be taking their healing with them 24/7, and I think we can all use more healing after 2020!
Benefits of Crystals
Many people swear by crystals and I am one of those people. They are gifts from the universe that we can tap into for a piece of higher knowledge that may help us in life. Crystals have been around since ancient civilization, far back to the Egyptian, Greek and Mesopotamia days.
Unfortunately, there is not much scientific support for the power of crystals, yet, they are still more than beautiful gems. Crystals have amazing healing energy, from ridding negativity to aligning you with your desires.
Crystals help give us direction, protect us and raise our frequency so we can attract what we honestly would like. There are so many crystals to work with, and your body will know intuitively which ones it gravitates to. We have seen them used in gem facials, along with gem massages, and they are now being used in nail services.
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