With a well-trained skin care professional, burns from waxing should never occur. Sandy Fuhr, public relations board member for CIDESCO International, speaks to the detailed quality of the CIDESCO training syllabus on waxing, which assures clients that waxing treatments remain safe and as pleasant as possible for both parties.
Fuhr says, “Those who are considering waxing as a method of hair removal should know about a number of factors before they have their treatment. Certain medications and skin factors can affect skin sensitivity and cause a reaction, a burn or even skin removal. Its imperative the therapist finds out if the client is suitable for waxing."
Fuhr continues, "The therapist needs to consult and evaluate the client’s skin type and assess whether waxing is the best hair removal technique for their client. Also to advise them of the necessary home care they require. If the client’s skin is showing signs of permanent diffuse redness, burns quickly in the sun i.e. a Type 1 to Type 3 skin, or experiences ‘break outs’ regularly, this is a sign of possible skin reactivity."
CIDESCO does not recommend wax treatments if clients are taking medications that could affect skin thickness and photosensitivity, causing skin damage. The thinner the skin, the more chance of the skin reacting to hair removal by waxing.
The Importance of Displaying Waxing Qualifications
In all cases, Fuhr stresses the importance that clients should always choose a therapist who is well qualified to perform waxing treatments. She emphasises that therapists should always display their diplomas. It is important for clients to know their therapist’s qualifications.
“Waxing training should be taken as seriously as any other professional beauty treatment. Therapists must have a thorough knowledge of skin and client health issues. Those who are thoroughly trained are in great demand," states Fuhr.