Anti-aging products help fight signs of aging such as wrinkles and sunspots, but to what extent can these products really work?
Well and Good explained the limitations of anti-aging skin care products found in stores and what the claims can really do.
Wrinkles: A topical can work to smooth fine lines but won't help with deep-set lines such as forehead lines. For deep-set lines, it is recommenced that clients look into Botox.
Dark circles: For some clients, eye creams will work to get rid of their dark circles, but for some, it may not. This could be due to other factors, such as genetics, volume-related issues or other reasons that will cause the products to not fully treat dark circles.
Sun spots: Sun spots appear after years of being in the sun, and topicals typically work to help fade the discoloration. However, it may not fully rid the client of sun spots if the discoloration is much darker.
Board-certified dermatologist Shirley Chi, M.D. explained that these products can typically help and are good to try, but if clients aren't seeing results or have a more severe case of any of these skin concerns, they should look for something stronger such as a prescription-strength product.