Because spas are seen as places for nurturing and wellness, spa professionals are offering special treatments and products this summer that encourage safe skin care. The Skin Cancer Foundation reports that more than 90% of all skin cancers are caused by sun exposure. International SPA Association (ISPA) members want to help lower that percentage.
From sunscreens, lotions and moisturizers, to treatments and products that give the appearance of a tan without the need for the sun, ISPA members are offering consumers numerous safe ways to enjoy this summer. “With 2,500 members in 73 countries, ISPA’s network of spas and product companies can make a real difference in the skin care habits of consumers,” says ISPA president, Lynne Walker McNees. “With some 57 million Americans having visited a spa, the industry is dedicated to promoting positive health habits of spa-goers.”
In addition to products and treatments that offer sun protection or help repair skin already damaged by the sun, ISPA members also report an interest in the following offerings this summer.
- Facials featuring antioxidants and vitamins to replenish winter-worn skin.
- Body polishes and scrubs to get rid of sallow winter skin and allow skin care moisturizers to soak in more easily.
- Cooling and hydrating wraps and peels to help spa-goers beat the summer heat or cool down after too much time in the sun.
- Of course, pedicures to keep feet looking great in sandals and around the pool.
- And, as the No. 1 treatment, massage is popular year-round and can be customized for summer to include ingredients that offer soothing from the sun, such as aloe. Also, incorporating fruits, herbs, plants and flowers that grow in the warmer months are popular additions to massages offered in the summer.