This month’s Skin Inc. focus is on naturals, so I thought, “What could be more natural then a V-Steam?” V-Steam (short for vaginal steam) or yoni steam like many natural remedies has its fans and critics. Here are #10Things you should know about the V-Steam before offering it as a service in your spa. I interviewed a medical professional, a V-Steam spa operator and a client.
1. Explanation of treatment. Women will sit or squat over a pot of steaming herbs to cleanse, heal or enhance the health of the vagina. There are professional and home services available. This treatment has been offered for centuries in Africa, Asia and Central America.
2. Benefits of V-Steam. Proponents of V-steam say it can improve menstrual cramps, fertility, vaginal dryness and firmness, cysts, fibroids and postpartum symptoms.
3. Not regulated. It is difficult to see if anyone regulates this service at all. Because it is not listed within our scope of practice as estheticians, it may need to be communicated that this service is not regulated by your state board.
4. Medical advice is conflicting. The western medicine professional I spoke to said, “Because the vagina is a self-cleaning organ, it should not be necessary to use perfumes, douches or steam. If someone is having challenges with their menstrual cycle or vagina health, they should go to their doctor.”
5. Equipment. To offer this treatment, you’ll need to have yoni stools, a steam pot, herbs and a private space or curtains. There are many items available on the internet from Etsy to Amazon. Remember to purchase equipment that can be disinfected and sanitized.
6. Training. Online (due to COVID-19) certifications seem popular. However, midwives, doulas and alternative medicine practitioners may also receive training as part of their course work. The study of herbs and aromatherapy is also beneficial in creating treatments for yoni steam clients.
7. Consultation. Similar to a facial or body treatment, some treatments may require weekly or monthly visits, and women will want to have the treatment either days before or after their cycle. The service practitioner may purchase herbal blends from a vendor or with enough training create a custom blend for their client.
8. Contraindications. Women who are pregnant or experiencing their menstrual cycle are contraindicated for any of the treatments. Post-partum treatments should take place a minimum of 6-8 weeks after giving birth.
9. Client Concerns. “Before the treatment, I was concerned about sanitation and comfort. But the stool had been sanitized, there were clean towels and robes, soft music, candles and tea. It was very relaxing and my vagina felt firm! I’m curious to see if it helps my menstrual cramps,” says a V-Steam client from Coco’s Beauties.
10. Benefits to the business. Cost per treatment is low after the purchase of the equipment. Also, the service provider can have multiple clients at once. Celebrities have been promoting the service recently, and this has created a buzz. “Clients like to come in with friends and take selfies and that also helps promote the business and other services,” says LaRonda Sullivan of Coco’s Beauties.
Special thank you to SFIEC graduate, LaRonda Sullivan of Coco’s Beauties in San Leandro, California, for all her information about yoni steaming and how estheticians can incorporate this ancient treatment into their service offerings.