The Beauty Industry Comes Together in Support of the PBA | NCA Disaster Relief Fund & CUT IT OUT
The Professional Beauty Association | National Cosmetology Association (PBA | NCA) invite spas across the country to participate in their annual Dining for Change fundraiser during the month of October.
Dining For Change encourages salon/spa professionals to come together throughout the month of October and host dinners and social gatherings to raise money for two great industry causes. Each guest is encouraged to make a small donation to the PBA | NCA Cares Fund, which supports CUT IT OUT, a program which fights domestic abuse, and PBA | NCA's Disaster Relief Fund, which helps salons and beauty professionals rebuild after natural disasters. The goal of Dining for Change is to raise more than $250,000 (an average of $25 per person) and show the world that the collective spirit of the beauty industry can effect change through these important charities.
CUT IT OUT is part of the Salons Against Domestic Abuse Fund, dedicated to fighting domestic abuse in communities around the nation. By placing collateral materials in salons/spas, CUT IT OUT educates beauty professionals on recognizing the signs of domestic abuse and how to safely refer clients to helpful resources.
The PBA | NCA Disaster Relief Fund helps salons destroyed by natural disasters rebuild and re-strengthen their business. Over the course of five decades, the fund has been there for professionals in times of dire need.
PBA | NCA encourages beauty professionals to make a difference for those impacted by domestic violence and natural disasters by hosting their own Dining for Change get-together during the month of October. To get started, PBA | NCA recommends:
- Host a dinner/reception in your salon/spa for clients.
- Promote Dining for Change in your salon/spa and encourage visitors to host their own dinner parties.
- Host a dinner/reception in your salon/spa and invite surrounding businesses to join in.
- Host a dinner/reception in your home and invite fellow salon/spa owners and members of the community.
- Find a creative venue in your area (i.e. a historic park in the community) where you can hold the event. The larger the space, the more people can come, eat and donate.
- Invite the local media so they can share your story and educate the public on Dining for Change, CUT IT OUT and the PBA | NCA Disaster Relief Fund.
For more information about Dining for Change including collateral and hosting ideas, please contact Rachel Molepske at [email protected] or visit