Men are visiting spas more than ever before, according to the International SPA Association (ISPA) Foundation. The Consumer Snapshot Initiative, now in its fourth volume conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), has revealed that men now represent almost half, 47%, of the spa-going population in the United States, and are identifiable by several traits and tastes that set them apart from the average American male population.
“The number one reason both men and women visit a spa worldwide is to learn how to manage their stress. Men and women may deal with stress in different ways, but surprisingly, they both find spas as an outlet,” says ISPA President Lynne McNees. “As a global society, we are experiencing more stress than ever before and seeking alternative ways to cope. Visiting a spa gives you permission to pause.”
The report found that the average male spa-goer is between 25 and 44 years old, earns over 50,000 dollars and is employed at a management level or above. Due to the likelihood of his higher level of work responsibility, the average male spa-goer also reports higher levels of stress. The highest proportion of these spa-going men is found in the southwest region of the United States.
The male’s most frequent retail purchases are shaving products, vitamins and supplements, and sun care products. While average American men are most likely to purchase these items at a supermarket or grocery store, the spa-going man generally purchases his products at a variety of locations, and is more willing to pay a little bit more for quality.
“This study aimed to look at the U.S. male consumer population on a deeper level. We wanted to better understand their choices and perceptions related to the spa industry,” said Colin McIlheney, PwC’s global research director. “We were able to look at male preferences as it related to the spa industry, finding that men aren’t that different from women, and that we aren’t that confusing after all.”