People approach birthdays differently ... some see them as simply dreadful; some look forward to them as a special day; and some don’t care one way or the other (or so they say). Anniversaries are a little different. Most people see anniversaries—whether personal or professional—as hard-earned milestones worthy of a little celebration. And celebrate, we will!
Since the middle of the summer, the entire team has been planning how to best celebrate the past 25 years of Skin Inc.—and of the professional skin care industry in general. Our journey with you throughout these many years hasn’t always been easy; but, like any good relationship worth celebrating, it has been rewarding and important. A lot of hard work, blood, sweat and tears have gone into the Skin Inc. brand as much as it has gone into your own career and business; and whether you have been a skin care professional for five months or more than 25 years, you know that being stagnant is not an option if you want to survive in this profession. This month’s cover proves that change is a constant here at Skin Inc. We are always working to adapt our content and design in order to best meet your needs ... in fact, you are the reason we are in business! I hope you can find some time to sit down and just indulge in a few minutes of looking back on our covers since 1988 and seeing how much—and how visually—the industry has changed.
The Skin Inc. Silver Anniversary Giveaway
And for your constant support throughout the years, we are very excited to invite you to join in our celebration! Each month, in honor of our 25 years, Skin Inc. will be giving away 25 products from a different professional skin care supplier to 25 randomly selected lucky winners. Kicking off the Skin Inc. Silver Anniversary Giveaway is your chance to win Retinol Youth Serum from Dermaquest Skin Therapy, a leader in technology and new ingredients, offering advanced professional treatments and innovative home-care products that deliver excellent results for all skin types. Simply log on to www.SkinInc.com/contest, fill out the form and cross your fingers!
Editorially, we are also celebrating throughout the year, showcasing six features titled “Skin Care: Then & Now,” taking a closer look at topics that have evolved drastically throughout the past 25 years. Our first installment by Myra Y. Irizarry focuses on “Product and Professional Regulation." Also, we will be revisiting some of the industry’s pioneers in our “Face to Face” section six times this year, so don’t miss these inspiring profiles!
The wellness movement
As important as it is to reflect on and learn from the past, it is even more important to look toward what the future holds for the professional skin care industry. As memories of the gold facials of the pre-recession years fade away, it becomes apparent that wellness is going play a large role in the evolution of the professional skin care industry, for both clients and professionals. Look for enhanced coverage of this movement in the pages of Skin Inc. and on www.SkinInc.com as we focus on the various types of wellness, what they mean for your facility and clientele, and how adopting them can increase your bottom line.
I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank both our dedicated and inspirational readers and our leading-edge, prestigious advertisers for their continued support of Skin Inc. We exist to serve you, so please never hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns, comments or suggestions about how we can continue on our journey together toward success in the professional skin care industry.
25 lucky Skin Inc. readers will win Retinol Youth Serum from Dermaquest Skin Therapy (www.dermaquestinc.com), which allows the skin to repair and stimulate collagen and elastin, creating firmer, smoother, softer skin. Pores will appear smaller and less noticeable, and signs of aging will start to diminish.
Enter today! www.SkinInc.com/contest