Registration is officially open for Face & Body Midwest, which will be coming back to Rosemont, IL in the summer from July 26-27, 2020. Skin Inc. and Face & Body aim to inspire and educate all spa professionals and to help them see success, and one key way we do this is through our keynote speakers.
Our free, daily keynotes are sure to provide you will the right spark to seek out the success you've been hungry for in your career.
Going for the Green
In a perfect world, we would be able to succeed in our business through just the happiness and joy we bring our clients. However, while that is an important part to success, making money is another factor that can really make or break a business. That's why we are bringing you Ronit Enos, salon and spa business coach and creator of, on July 26, 2020 for her disccusion "Increase Your Average Sale and Creat Massive Loyalty." Enos will teach spa owners and skin care professionals how to resolve their relationship with money. She will show how it is possible to double your average ticket and get an 85% retention without spending countless hours and endless amounts of money.
All About Appearances
As beauty professionals, oftentimes, our best way to show how good we are at our job is by taking care of our own appearance. It's important to project the industry we servce, which Tara Hill Hanover, an in-demand celebrity stylist and hair and makeup artist, uncovers on July 27, 2020 in her discussion "What Does Your Professional Presence Say About You?" Hill Hanover dives into the idea of becoming too comfortable and taking for granted the people you worked so hard to get. Just as you are continuing to update your skills and further your education, ask yourself if you look the part. Hill Hanover provides her tips and tricks to keep our looks together as well as uncovers some social media marketing tactics.
Are you 100% happy with every aspect of your career? Are you at your top level of success? Have you fully accomplished every business goal you've made for yourself? If the answer to any of these questions is no, then come to our Face & Body Midwest show and let our keynotes, education and vendors ignite your fire to boost your success.
Register now for access to early bird rates!