We are half-way through the year, and it feels like we have already lived 2020! I have had moments of hope, frustration, inspiration and defeat. One thing I have learned during this time of COVID, city curfews, boarding up my business, peaceful protests and looting is this: our attitude and mindset is everything. We have to move forward. So, do business differently, interact with our community differently and change our behavior around race. I wanted to share #10things you can do to make an impact.
1. Meditation
I know, it’s hard for me too. We have to find a way to create peace in our mind and hearts. Meditation is a great way to do that.
2. Know your neighbors
How can you build community and share resources with your home and business neighborhood?
3. Stand up
If you are white, (and you haven’t already) stand up for the black and brown community. If protesting isn’t your thing, donate money or volunteer, and and please don’t forget to vote!
4. Random acts of kindness
Check out: www.kindess.org and www.randomactofkindess.org to see different ways you can take part in random acts of kindness.
5. Drink lots of water
“Drinking enough water each day is crucial for many reasons: to regulate body temperature, keep joints lubricated, prevent infections, deliver nutrients to cells and keep organs functioning properly. Being well-hydrated also improves sleep quality, cognition and mood,” says Walter Willett, professor of epidemiology and nutrition at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
6. Say something nice
Be the boss of the energy in your home by saying something nice to your spouse, partner or child.
7. Check your resources
Know where your news is coming from and only spread news that is confirmed truthful or can be helpful to others.
8. Check-in on your employees and industry partners
Recall a happy memory or funny event. Smiling and laughing is good for our health!
9. Maintain high health and safety standards
We must all do our part to keep the spread of COVID and all other communicable disease to a minimum.
10. Share gratitude
What are three things you are grateful for? Write it down and share it.
Everything in this month’s list is free! We can all make an important impact in our personal lives and the lives of others. Stay focused on the end goal. Remember, we truly are #allinthistogether.