Karyn’s Inner Beauty Center, Chicago
Karyn Calabrese, the daughter and grandaughter of two women who died at young ages, set out to prove her genetic heredity wrong. Calabrese, a raw foodist, is an author and speaker, and the owner of Karyn’s Inner Beauty Center, as well as three vegan restaurants in Chicago: Karyn’s Fresh Corner and Raw Bistro, Karyn’s Cooked, and Karyn’s on Green.
Q: What made you decide to open a spa?
A: “At the time I made the decision to take on this lifestyle, there weren’t any real, natural treatments for me to use. I had worked so hard teaching people how to take care of themselves through natural processes and wanted to create a sanctuary of health and well-being ... it is a center of regeneration, healing and detoxification to bring all [clients] to a place of wellness.”
Finding inspiration
“I’m so inspired by the prospect of motivating people to transform. I love being able to help them feel self-empowered with the ability to control their own destiny. I’m able to aid them in adding new dimensions to their lives, and that’s been such a gift. ”
Common feedback
“That [clients] have stepped into a comfort zone of healing, renewal and beauty. Women can be sexy at any age here ... it’s a place to facilitate their journey to well-being.”
Favorite treatment
“My facials! Factors such as skin type, age and seasonal changes are incorporated into [clients’] personalized sessions. We only use raw, organic and whole foods, such as honey, spirulina and live Hawaiian clays to address all skin conditions.”
Most popular treatment
“Colon therapies—also known as colonics—are the most popular ... Some people are wary of it at first, but my clients are always amazed at the immediate benefits they experience when they come in for their first session.”
Professional mentors
“Ann Wigmore, cofounder of the Hypocrates Institute, and Viktoras Kulbinskas, author of Survival into the 21st Century, served as great mentors ... it was because of my interactions with them that I added cleansing and detoxification to my program.”